I am a Writer

LeVar Burton Reads* is one of my favorite podcasts. I don’t listen to it all the time, but when I do, I’m transported back to my childhood as the dulcet tones of LeVar’s voice bring me back to the days of Reading Rainbow in the living room after coming home from school. I’m immersed in worlds rich in detail, deep in philosophy, and characters as complex as any “real” person.

Today, I listened to LeVar read “Pockets” by Amal El-Mohtar. The story was stunning. It was unexpected, deeply emotional, and had a breathtaking conclusion that had me near tears.

But almost as inspiring as the story itself, was LeVar’s reflection on the impact stories by El-Mohtar have had on his life. He talked about her unique ability to touch his soul and reach into his life at the times he needed it most.

And as he spoke, I felt this huge swell of emotion as I thought about my writing. Every time I put pen to paper or open a document, I have this overwhelming fear that my words don’t matter, that no one will read them, that the love, sweat, and agony I pour onto the page will never touch anyone on a meaningful level.

But this story and LeVar’s comments reminded me that it is not about reviews or even how well your friends and family receive your writing. Writing is an expression of the soul, a complex tapestry woven together by the writer to reflect who they are as an individual and the world as they see it or as they would like to see it. Writing is not a means to publication or fame.

Writing is pulling your heart from it’s ribbed cage, offering it to the world and asking, “Do you feel this way to?”

Because ultimately what we are searching for when we open books and watch television and go to the movies is a connection with like-minded individuals who understand the pain and joy and agony and beauty of what it means to participate in the human experience.

“Pockets” ends with powerful exposition about one of the most true things we write about: love. Not just romantic love, but the ethos of love, the truth that each and every one of us deserves to love and to be loved. Love reminds us we are not alone, holds us when we are weak, and rejoices with us when we are happy.

I am a writer and if you are reading this, and it resonates with you even in the slightest, know that I love you, that God loves you, and that you are not alone in this vast existence. You are not a lone star shining in dark. You are part of a symphony of constellations and galaxies, lighting up the night sky. Your light is important and some day–today, tomorrow, ten years from now–someone will look at the brightness you cast and smile because your shine has reminded them that are loved.

*You can listen to LeVar Burton reads on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever else you listen to podcasts. This post is not sponsored by LeVar Burton Reads or Stitcher.